Need insights from this use case faster? Check out our Q&A summary below:


1. What was the business challenge for this marketing company?

A California-based marketing company uses voice calling to reach consumers for its performance-based and search engine marketing services. The company was frustrated by a lack of customer engagement with wireless consumers, so they added ĢƵ Enterprise Branded Calling to improve it.

2. How did ĢƵ Enterprise Branded Calling help?

ĢƵ Enterprise Branded Calling was deployed to alleviate caller trust concerns caused by the rise in robocalls across the US. The solution adds rich call information and company identification to the caller screen, such as a logo and company name.

3. What was the outcome?

After ĢƵ Enterprise Branded Calling was implemented, answer rates improved by 14% but even more impressively, their calls’ average and media length improved by nearly 25%.

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ĢƵ Enterprise Branded Calling helps improve call answer and conversion rates, achieve better call durations and gives you a competitive advantage. Fill out this short form for more information from a ĢƵ representative about how branded caller ID can help you and your business succeed.

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